
  • Ms. Anna Lobanova

Ms. Anna Lobanova

Head of Framework Contracts Department


Anna has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, Diploma in Accountancy and a Certificate in Networking. She has gained extensive experience in project management leading the Framework Contracts Department of GDSI since 2011. This experience spans activities within different sectors of expertise including Education, Human Resource Management, Human rights, Democracy and Regional Development and Evaluation.

Anna has proven to be competent in enabling networking facilities and liaising with project beneficiaries and counterparts in partner countries, as well as experts, associates, and stakeholders from various cultural backgrounds. Anna is fluent in English and Russian.
What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love sea fishing, reading science fiction and grow tomatoes in my green house.

What is your favourite country you have visited?

My recent discovery was Co. Donegal in Ireland. I would love to come back there. I always wanted to visit Japan. I hope this could be possible in the nearest future.

Who inspires you the most?

I am inspired by people who enjoy leaving their comfort zone, and do not mind venturing into the unknown. I mean those who revolutionized the way they lived yesterday and decided to change the course with the aim to explore life from a different angle.

How do you deal with stressful situations?

I Actually work better under pressure, and I’ve found that I enjoy working in a challenging environment.

If you could witness one moment in history what would it be?
The launch of the Titanic, 1911.