Support to Project Implementation Unit of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy ‘CAROL DAVILA’ in Bucharest

GDSI’s consortium has been assigned to provide advisory services to support the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “CAROL DAVILA” Bucharest.

The European Investment Bank provided a long-term loan for the refurbishment of the Faculty of Medicine and for the construction of two Research Centres, including the improvement of the energy efficiency of the campus and reduction of the University’s carbon footprint.

Within the next 2 years, GDSI and its consortium partners will provide advisory services to the PIU in different types of activities: project management, procurement advice, support to environmental screening and other tasks. The activities of this assignment will also increase of capacity of the Project Implementation Unit of the University in the management of the construction project.

The high level of participants in the kick-off meeting conducted last week confirmed the University’s commitment and interest in the project and also welcomed the support of the advisory team brought by GDSI’s consortium.