
Mr. Pauric Brophy

Managing Director


Pauric Brophy holds a Master’s degree in economics and has more than 30 years’ experience in international development. He has served as Managing Director of GDSI since 1998. Pauric has been an influencer and designer of public policy in more than 25 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean. With 5 years’ experience as a university researcher in the social sciences, Pauric has produced a large body of published and confidential work in areas like private sector development, administrative reform, labour market policy, spatial planning and development, tourism development, transition economics, trade and investment. Pauric is a fluent speaker of Russian.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

My latest hobby is trying to create music for a book of old folk songs whose melodies have been long forgotten.

What is your favourite country you have visited?

Czech Republic

Who inspires you the most?

Anyone who can do things better than me is an inspiration to me. I have many sources of inspiration.

How do you deal with stressful situations?

Exercise is probably my most important stress killer. Otherwise, I find that beating a guitar very hard often helps! When none of that works, there’s always whiskey.

If you could witness one moment in history what would it be?
The Yalta Conference 1945 or Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon (just so that I could verify that it really happened!)