Labour Market
and Management
Labour Market Planning and Management
A team of labour market economists helped to create Russia’s first regional labour market information centre in Kaliningrad. This Centre, which was linked to the Federal Employment Services, had the capacity to gather data on various aspects of labour demand and supply and to prepare complex labour market forecasts. Several of the analytical tools piloted in Kaliningrad were later adopted by every region in the Russian Federation.
All happiness depends on courage and work.
― Honoré de Balzac Click to Tweet
The collapse of Kazakhstan’s industrial base after the breakup of the former Soviet Union, brought economic devastation and staggering levels of unemployment to many of the country’s mono-company towns. Our multi-disciplinary team of labour market economists and sociologists designed an innovative programme of social protection that simultaneously provided an immediate social safety net while at the same time promoting entrepreneurial activity and the diversification of the local economy. The pilot programme was adopted by the national authorities for rollout across all of Kazakhstan’s mono-company towns.