Extension of the EU-Funded Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility Project

We are happy to announce that our EU-funded Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility project has been extended and will now run until April 2028.

The project will continue to support and strengthen civil society organizations and activists across the six Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

Here’s a summary of what our project will offer in 2025-2028:

  • Capacity Building Activities: Civil society organizations and activists will have access to a variety of courses, trainings, and webinars developed by the project. The team will identify new learning opportunities based on a needs assessment and will also respond to specific requests from civil society.
  • Civil Society Hackathons and Civic Tech Activities: We will keep organising our EaP Civic Tech Hackathons, bringing together IT experts and civil society representatives to create innovative tools for transparency, accountability, and participation. These hackathons will address specific societal challenges identified in collaboration with civil society.
  • Civil Society Fellowships: Our EaP Civil Society Fellowship Programme will continue, supporting 120 new civil society activists throughout the project’s duration. To-date the Fellowship alumni network has a total of 200 Fellows from across the six countries of the EaP.
  • Civil Society Networking and Support: We will maintain our support for regional networking and facilitate civil society representatives’ participation in relevant regional and international events. Additionally, the project will provide on-demand support for various civil society initiatives.
  • Communication Activities: We will assist civil society organisations in developing communication activities to raise public awareness of CSOs, enhance their public image, and promote EU support for civil society through our Communication Labs.
  • Studies and Research on Civil Society Issues: We will produce new mappings and studies focused on civil society, either thematically or regionally, as requested by the EU.
