Current Vacancies


Expert for Road Map for Civil Society Development in Albania


Tirana, Albania

Wednesday, 10 January 2024.

Interested candidates should submit:
1) their CV (in EU expert format) with the contact details of three referees, and
2) a cover letter describing how their experience meets the terms of reference,
By email to by 10 January 2024 @12.00 CET with the subject: Application for AL RM. Successful applicants will be contacted for an interview.

January 2024.

to end July 2024.

About the assignment:
The EU TACSO 3 team has been requested by the Government of Albania to assist with the evaluation of the current “Road Map for the Government Policy towards a More Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development 2019-2023” and to support the preparation for a new Road Map covering the period 2024-2027.
The EU TACSO 3 team has the support of the EU Delegation in Albania and DG NEAR (EU TACSO 3 contracting authority) to provide the requested assistance.
To download the Terms of Reference for this position please click here.
The requested profile:
The Expert will be a senior expert with experience in civil society and public administration. The Expert will be responsible for: detailed design of methodology, design of data collection tools (including interview/focus group questionnaires and online survey), data collection and analysis, drafting reports, leading consultations and verification exercises on the findings and recommendations, finalising and presenting the evaluation report. She/he will be responsible for ensuring excellent relationships with key stakeholders, including the Government of Albania, key civil society representatives and the EU TACSO 3 team.
General qualifications and experience:
Specific professional experience: